A club for comics making aimed at building creative solidarity and exploring the medium. Weekly drawing + writing activities, discussion opportunities and a set of ongoing group projects <3
Comics Making for the Rest of Us aims to build creative solidarity among its members through a collective exploration of the comics medium.
This club aims to help participants become more comfortable with their personal comics-making practice. Through activities and reading recommendations, participants will open doors to new techniques and approaches to the medium.
We're looking to dig deep into what makes comics tick through play and exploration!
This club will run for 6 weeks.
Each week we will meet for 1.5 hours for drawing and writing activities and discussion opportunities.
In between post constraint-based comics prompts that club members can complete and share!
This is not a club for careerist comics makers. We will not focus on professional practices. We're not going to get into the entrepreneurial aspects of comics-making. We will not talk about publishing or the comics industry. There are plenty of communities on the web focused on that already. This club is for the rest of us. 😇
Are you looking to develop your own personal comics practice? Do you want to spend time learning how to braid images and words together to communicate thoughts and emotions?
Are you looking for a fun group with which you can make comics on the regular?
Are you in search of a community for reading and discussing comics, Instagram comics, webcomics, graphic novels, memes, and more?
Do you love Lynda Barry?
This club is for you. ✨
You should have an interest in making comics and a willingness to get your hands dirty writing and drawing.
Want emails on new cohorts?